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Customer Update – Your USB Devices Are Scanned for Malware

6/10/2014 in Technology

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Here at Evolve Computers we spend a lot of time keeping our customers systems secure and stable. We are not so good at letting them know what we are up to. To rectify this I will be publishing a series of short articles to let our customers know how we are looking after them. Look out for ‘Customer Update’ in the title of my blog posts, tweets etc.

To get the ball rolling I wanted to let you know that we have enabled a security feature that will scan any USB key or drive inserted into your computer and remove any nasties – malware, viruses, spyware etc.

Obviously I hope that this gives you a warm protected feeling but it is also worth noting in case you are using your own personal USB drive for work.

You really don’t want to be the person that introduces a threat onto the company network. It will be highlighted in our logs that are checked every day and that could cause embarrassment. If you are uncertain then give us a call and we can arrange to get the USB drive scanned on a secure network in our offices.

Remember, if our software detects an infection it will remove the threat from the USB drive. So if you have important personal files on an infected USB drive then there is a possibility that they will be removed if you plug it in to a business computer.

Managed Antivirus OptionBy the way, this only applies to our customers that use our managed anti-virus software. You can easily tell by looking in your system tray (bottom right of your screen) for a circular blue icon with a little white bug in the middle (see the picture to the left).

For any questions or clarification on how this works or how you might be affected then please do call our Helpdesk on 0845 094 5511. We are here to help you focus on getting your job done in a secure environment but with the least amount of disruption.

Happy Computing!