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Dragon Hall Receives CompTIA Donation

6/07/2016 in News

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Our friends at Dragon Hall Trust have been awarded a donation by CompTIA.

Dragon Hall

At the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) meeting in Birmingham members voted to donate to Dragon Hall

As the London based charity’s funding has been cut by 60% in recent years this award comes as a very welcome boost.

James Dellow, Dragon Hall’s Youth & Innovation Manager, said:

“The donation and the recognition that goes with it means a lot to us. It will help fund a part time youth worker and CompTIA’s international profile will bring exposure for our work”

Providing technology opportunities for digitally excluded young people

Dragon Hall run 15 events every week focusing on 6 core areas:

  • making, coding, internet radio, robotics, 3D printing and virtual reality

Involved in outreach work across the UK working with:

  • young people that are learning disabled, in care or in the criminal justice system

Helped over 4000 young people in 2015

  • 65% felt more confident in themselves
  • 91% improved problem-solving abilities