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Make Email Faster – Tech Tip

1/07/2016 in Technology

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Our Customers Reported Slow Email

The number of customers calling us to help them make email faster spiked at the beginning of 2016. We had a good hard look at the problem and discovered something very interesting.

Customers Reporting Slow Email









When we looked into our Helpdesk history we found that the most of the problems were with Microsoft’s email software Outlook.

Delving further into our stats we discovered that one particular solution was extremely effective in speeding up Outlook.

Glenn spotted that our more diligent customers – those that file email in folders within their Inbox – were most likely to be experiencing difficulties.

By moving the folders out of their Inbox and into the main mailbox their machine sprang into life.

Make Email Faster

If  your email is slowing down and you suspect Outlook then simply follow these steps:

  • Open Outlook
  • Find your Inbox on the left-hand side
  • You may need to expand the left-hand pane to see all your folders. Do this by clicking on the ‘>’ symbol and then pinning the menu:

Expand Outlook Folders                          Expand Outlook Folders

  • If your Inbox has a triangle next to it (as mine does above), then it contains folders. It is these folders that could be causing your problem.
  • Click on the triangle to expand the folders beneath:

Move Folders to Make Email Faster

  • Drag and drop each of the sub-folders from the Inbox into the mailbox itself. In the image above the mailbox is represented by my email address above the Inbox.
  • You will prompted to confirm the move:

Move Folders to Make Email Faster

  • When you have finished moving all your folders, stop and restart Outlook.

There are, of course, lots of ways to make email faster.

If this hasn’t fixed the problem then we are here to help. We are experts at fixing problems with technology. Get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.