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New Antivirus Antimalware Software to Protect You

14/10/2015 in Security

Download Form1

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Just a quick update to let all our existing customers know that we are making changes to the antivirus and antimalware software we use to protect you.

This should have very little impact on you. You will receive an email from us when we are ready to upgrade you and you may receive a phone call asking to reboot your PC.


When we are finished you will have a new icon in your system tray that looks like this:

Antivirus Antimalware Icon


If you right-click on the icon and choose Show you will see the following window:

Antivirus Antimalware Status

Click on the ‘i’ in the bottom right-hand corner for information about the new software

Click on the double down-arrow in the centre to open up the software for further options:

Antivirus Antimalware Options