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The 7 best cyber security tips you’ll hear this year

18/07/2018 in Security

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According to a recent study, the threat to your business data and revenue is at an all time high. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated, using increasingly ingenious ways breach your defences.

This is why, as a business owner, cyber security should be top of your mind. But, even the most tech savvy people can find the topic dense and confusing. We’re here to say that, although vital to your business, IT security doesn’t have to be complex. You can avoid 90 percent of problems with basic security.

In fact, you can even achieve government-approved cyber security accreditation for meeting these basic standards.

In the meantime, here’s some quick and simple advice that you can apply to your business.

Here’s the seven best cyber security tips you’ll hear this year.

Number 1: Back up anything you don’t want to lose

Whether its photos, documents, emails, contacts, calendars or spread sheets, if you can’t be without them you must back them up. Here’s a few articles to find out how to back up on:

Number 2: Install security software

You must protect all devices that can access your business data from malware and viruses. If you don’t already have suitable security software, check the AV Test website for up-to-date, independent reviews. Install the software suited to your business and ensure you run regular updates.

Number 3: Keep your devices up to date

The latest version of your software is the most secure, always carry out available updates. If you have an IT supplier, it is their responsibility to ensure you have the latest and greatest version of your software.

We also advise that you don’t download apps unless you know they are truly legitimate. If you are in doubt look them up on Google before installation. You should also delete all software that you no longer use.

Number 4: Make your passwords secure

Strong passwords are vital to your businesses security. A good tactic to ensure your passwords are good enough is to use three random words, like redhousemonkeys. You can still throw in some numbers and symbols if you have a good memory. This is a great technique to ensure your passwords are long and complex enough while keeping them memorable.

We also advise using different passwords for different sites, change them regularly and never share them with others. If this sounds like a bit of a nightmare don’t worry, password management software can help.

Number 5: Be suspicious

It can be daunting, but you are one of your business’s first lines of defence against cyber criminals. So be suspicious of anything that looks unfamiliar. Ensure emails are safe before clicking anything and be wary of anything that’s free.

If you click on a link you don’t trust, there are two possible outcomes. At best, you’ll have to watch an advert or give away your email address. At worst, you will have put yourself at risk of identity theft or ransomware.

Number 6: Don’t give out personal information

Never, I repeat, never give out your personal information. The more hackers know about you the easier it is for them to scam you. You need to guard your personal information, especially as a small business owner. So be wary of anything that asks for it.

In particular, we advise you don’t give out the following information:

  • Full name
  • Contact details
  • Date of birth
  • Mother’s maiden name
  • National insurance number
  • Financial information

Number 7: Get educated

Understanding more about cyber security can help you avoid a cyber attack. The more you and your staff know, the less likely it is that an attack will cripple your business. Indeed, if you create a culture of cyber security within your business you can avoid the vast majority of cyber threats.

Download your free Cyber Essentials Questionnaire

You can ensure your business meets the minimum requirements for cyber safety through Cyber Essentials accreditation. If you do, you prove to your customers that their business data is safe in your hands, because if you suffer a cyber attack, chances are it will affect them too.

Download your Cyber Essentials Questionnaire and keep your business reputation safe. If you do, you will also receive four free IT policies that will help you maintain security.

If you’d like some help in keeping your business secure or want to hear how we provide 24/7 security for our customers. Don’t hesitate to get in touch today.