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Anti-Spam & Web Filtering

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Additional Security Layers Reduce Risk

The ever-growing complexity of cyber threats means that your system requires layers of defence to give you the best possible protection.

The first step is to ensure that you have fundamental security measures in place to prevent attacks from succeeding. We include these as part of our core support plan.

The next step is to keep the ‘bad guys’ out in the first place.

Anti-spam Filtering

The majority of cyber infections come from links in spam emails so filtering your email is essential.

Evolve provides a range of optional email filtering services for a fixed monthly price. These range from spam and malware protection, to more specialised service such as archiving and email business continuity.

Web Filtering

We believe that blocking access to malicious websites should be a fundamental part of security for any business. So we provide it as part of core support plan. We also offer a web filtering service which allows you to selectively filter when and what types of sites your staff are able to get access to.

Staff Training

The final piece of the puzzle is to get your staff trained to understand how to improve their Internet behaviour.

All these measures add to the layers of your cyber security, further protecting your business. For you that means less unwanted upheaval and greater peace of mind.

Fundamental Cyber Protection

Getting the foundations right prevents Internet threats


Anti-Spam & Web Filtering

Filtering Internet activity stops threats before they get in


Security Awareness Training

Understanding cyber threats makes your business safer


Cyber Essentials Certification

We take the hassle out of getting your business accredited

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Wireless Network Security

Boost cyber security by taking control of wireless devices

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