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Off-site Backup

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Automatic Backups That Just Work

Off-site backups run automatically over your Internet connection to our secure UK data centre. This increases security, reduces risk and allows your data to be restored faster.

When you backup your data to tapes, cartridges or external hard disks, there is a lot that can go wrong:

  • The person responsible for swapping tapes and taking them off-site can forget, fall ill, or leave your company
  • If the backup media is lost when it is taken out of the office, then your sensitive data could easily fall into the wrong hands
  • Backup software is often problematic, leading to increased troubleshooting costs
  • Restoring data can be slow if the required copy is on a cartridge that is currently off-site

We backup our customers’ data automatically to a secure UK data centre overnight. This has a number of advantages over traditional backup solutions:

  • Backups are automatic and so there is no single person to rely on
  • Your data is encrypted before it leaves your premises
  • Off-site backups are much less likely to go wrong
  • Restores can be initiated immediately without the need to find the correct tape or cartridge
  • We can hold data for as long as you need. The minimum is 30 days

Combine this with the benefits of our Managed Backup service and you can rest easy knowing that we are taking care of everything on your behalf.

For more regular backups, longer retention periods and disaster recovery protection, we also offer a Business Continuity solution.

Off-site Backup

Never worry about your backups again

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Office 365 Migration

Modernise your system with Office 365 from Microsoft

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Business Continuity

Keep your business running – even when disaster strikes

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