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Security Awareness Training

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Security Awareness Training for Your Staff

There is no technology solution that gives complete protection from Internet threats. Even with our fundamental security measures and filtered Internet activity there are no guarantees of 100% protection.

The ‘bad guys’ are also specialists in ‘social-engineering’. That means manipulating your staff into revealing sensitive information in order to circumvent security measures. So a large part of your cyber security relies upon the sensible behaviour of your staff. If they behave in an uncontrolled way – intentionally or unintentionally – then the risk to your business of suffering a security breach is greatly increased.

Conversely, if your staff observe safe surfing behaviour then the risk diminishes considerably. The more they know about how they might be manipulated and what impact it could have on your business the safer their behaviour will be.

We offer advice and training to ensure that your staff are aware how they can keep themselves and your business safe on-line.

When you and your staff are aware of the risks your business will be better protected.

Fundamental Cyber Protection

Getting the foundations right prevents Internet threats


Anti-Spam & Web Filtering

Filtering Internet activity stops threats before they get in


Security Awareness Training

Understanding cyber threats makes your business safer


Cyber Essentials Certification

We take the hassle out of getting your business accredited

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Wireless Network Security

Boost cyber security by taking control of wireless devices

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